Legal terms of Penco
The penco website (ci-après « the Website »), accessible at is published by LA DISQUETTE (hereinafter « the Publisher »), SAS with capital of 15000 euros, whose registered office is located at 3 RUE DE GENEVE, 69006 LYON, France. It is registered with the LYON Trade and Companies Register under number 921332128. VAT number FR20 921 332 128
The Publisher can be contacted at

The penco website is hosted by OVH, 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix.
The host can be contacted by e-mail at the following address:
It can also be contacted on 09 72 10 10 07.

In accordance with the provisions of Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended, relating to information technology, files and civil liberties, users are informed that the Publisher collects and processes personal data when they connect to the Site.
The data collected is mainly used to make the Platform available, to optimise and secure it in order to offer users the best possible quality of service. Additional data may be collected by the Publisher to enable the proper performance of commercial contracts entered into with the user via the Platform.
Users are hereby informed that they have the right to access, query, modify and delete any information concerning them at any time by contacting the Publisher either directly on the Site, by post at 3 RUE DE GENEVE, 69006 LYON, France or by e-mail at
The information collected may be shared with third parties residing in the European Union in the following cases:

- When the user publishes publicly accessible information in a comment area ;
- Where the user expressly consents ;
- When required by law or in order to cooperate with a judicial investigation at the express request of a person in a position of public authority ;
- For the performance of commercial services for which the cooperation of a third party is required, in particular in the event that the Publisher chooses to subcontract some of its services through Third-Party Services.
Where certain information is mandatory in order to access specific functionalities of the Site, the Publisher will indicate this mandatory nature at the time the data is entered.
The personal data collected will only be kept for as long as is necessary to allow proper use of the Site, prevent fraud and abuse, and meet the Publisher's legal and regulatory obligations concerning the management of the Site.

The Site may use cookies as defined by the CNIL in the following manner:

«A cookie is a small file stored by a server on a user's terminal (computer, telephone, etc.) and associated with a web domain (i.e. in most cases with all the pages of a single website). This file is automatically sent back when subsequent contacts are made with the same domain.
Cookies have many uses: they can be used to memorise your customer ID with a merchant site, the current contents of your shopping basket, the language in which the web page is displayed, an identifier that can be used to track your browsing for statistical or advertising purposes, etc.»

Information from the official CNIL website (

The purpose of these cookies is to make browsing easier for users and to improve the quality of the service offered, by collecting statistical and traffic data.
Users are informed of the use of these cookies by means of a banner asking for their consent. If the user consents, this consent is considered valid for a maximum period of thirteen (13) months.
If the user does not consent to the use of cookies, the Publisher cannot guarantee an optimal experience on the Site.
The following cookies are used on the Site: google analytics.

All trademarks, photographs, texts, comments, illustrations, images (animated or not), video sequences, sounds, as well as all computer applications that may be used to operate the Site, and more generally all elements reproduced or used on the Site, are protected by current intellectual property laws.
They are the full and entire property of the Publisher or its partners, unless otherwise specified. Any reproduction, representation, use or adaptation, in any form whatsoever, of all or part of these elements, including computer applications, without the prior written consent of the Publisher, is strictly prohibited. The fact that the Publisher does not initiate proceedings as soon as it becomes aware of such unauthorised use does not constitute acceptance of such use or a waiver of proceedings.
Only private use within the family circle is authorised. Any other use constitutes counterfeiting and/or infringement of related rights, punishable under the Intellectual Property Code.
Reproduction of all or part of this content requires the prior authorisation of the Publisher or the holder of the rights to this content.

The Site may contain hypertext links giving access to other websites published and managed by third parties and not by the Publisher. The Publisher may not be held directly or indirectly liable in the event that said third-party sites do not comply with legal provisions.
Hyperlinks to the Site may only be created with the prior written authorisation of the Publisher.